Zaidan Athief

Welcome! I'm currently an undergraduate of information system in Bina Nusantara University with keen interest on information system architecture, UI&UX, web3s/dweb, and ERPs (mainly SAP).

I was mainly making this personal website to experiment with CSS3 and HTML5 (you can check its validity for the HTML and CSS here), and as you can guess, this project started as a stepping stone to my other projects which will mainly be web3/dweb stuff. And what’s the best way to learn than to directly make a website right?

Anyway, this website is supposed to be not only an experimental thing, but also where i archive cool stuff like cool sites, pictures, opinions, or anything really. Think of it like a carrd with extra steps.

Update Log

I gotta admit here that I should've created this log waaaay earlier (it is 7 March 2022 at the time of writing, months after the first line of code of this site was written). But hey, at least its here now right?

Now, the thing with having poor documentation practice is that I cant remember when exactly did I make the first iteration to this website. But I'd say it was around November 2021-December 2021. Anyway, from now on I will try to keep track of each update made to this website as you can read and scroll below:


in the meantime, why dont we get to know each other? Fill the guestbook and what you think of this site!